Tenho andado desaparecida daqui do blog, mas ultimamente não tenho conseguido fotografar sempre que visto alguma coisa nova ou acho que o look mereça ser mostrado aqui. Confesso que tenho andado um pouco preguiçosa também (e que essa preguiça se tem vindo a arrastar nos últimos meses), sim, porque isto de tirar fotos, editar e publicar dá mais trabalho do que parece. Mas adiante, e porque não vim aqui para me queixar, queria apenas dizer-vos que a minha obsessão por casacos se mantém forte e inalterada. Já tinha no armário uma gabardina azul marinha, num tecido mais fino e por isso ideal para a primavera, uma bege tipo camurça, mas também fininha, e não tinha nenhuma verdadeiramente quente e mais robusta que pudesse usar no inverno. Foi isso que me fez comprar esta nos saldos de inverno do ano passado. O desconto com que ela estava também!! Acho que foi um verdadeiro achado tendo em conta a qualidade e os acabamentos dela (que mesmo sendo Zara estão bem bons). Sei que praticamente não a mostrei aqui mas uso-a mais vezes do que possam pensar. E adoro que seja assim, abotoada de cima a baixo, sobre um look monocromático, e com algum acessório mais vistoso. Ela é bem quentinha e prática, impermeável e grandalhona, assim numa onda mais ouversized como eu gosto. Podia fazer disto um uniforme, acreditem.
Know I have been away from this blog, but lately I haven't been able to photograph whenever I wear something new or I think the look deserves to be shown here. I confess that I have been a bit lazy too (and that this laziness has been dragging in the last months), yes, because this of taking photos, editing and publishing gives more work than it seems. But then, and because I didn't come here to complain, I just wanted to tell you that my obsecion for coats remains strong and unchanged. I already had a navy-blue gabardine in a thinner fabric, so perfect for spring, a suede-like beige one, but thin too, and I didn't have none truly hot and sturdy that I could wear in the winter. That's what made me buy this one in the winter balances last year. The discount that it got too!! I think it was a real find considering the quality and finishes of it (that even being Zara are very good). I know I haven't practically shown it here but I use it more often than you can think. And I love it that way, buttoned from top to bottom, on a monochromatic look, and with some more showy accessory. It's very warm and practical, waterproof and big, on a more orversized cut as I like. I could make this a uniform, believe me.
Know I have been away from this blog, but lately I haven't been able to photograph whenever I wear something new or I think the look deserves to be shown here. I confess that I have been a bit lazy too (and that this laziness has been dragging in the last months), yes, because this of taking photos, editing and publishing gives more work than it seems. But then, and because I didn't come here to complain, I just wanted to tell you that my obsecion for coats remains strong and unchanged. I already had a navy-blue gabardine in a thinner fabric, so perfect for spring, a suede-like beige one, but thin too, and I didn't have none truly hot and sturdy that I could wear in the winter. That's what made me buy this one in the winter balances last year. The discount that it got too!! I think it was a real find considering the quality and finishes of it (that even being Zara are very good). I know I haven't practically shown it here but I use it more often than you can think. And I love it that way, buttoned from top to bottom, on a monochromatic look, and with some more showy accessory. It's very warm and practical, waterproof and big, on a more orversized cut as I like. I could make this a uniform, believe me.
gabardina.gabardine Zara | camisola de gola alta.turtleneck Cortefiel | calças.pants Zara | botas.boots Zara | anéis.rings Pandora | estola.fur stole Stradivarius | mala.bag Paco Martinez
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