1.blusão.jacket Zara | 2. blusão.jacket Mango | 3. blusão.jacket Bershka | 4. blusão.jacket Stradivarius | 5. blusão.jacket Zara
photo credits: Stockholm Streetstyle
Metalic jacket
Não é a primeira vez que falo de peças metalizadas aqui no blog, ou já se esqueceram do Trend alert #8? Vamos recapitular, esta tendência reapareceu no outono de forma meia discreta mas parece que se vai manter na próximas estações quentes, e desta vez em casacos! Deixem lá os estereótipos de lado e sejam open minds. Não há problema nenhum em deixarmos encarnar em nós uma navegante da lua, porque bem vistas as coisas estes casacos são cheios de pinta. Já tive um que comprei há muitos anos numa feira. Tinha um tom dourado e lembro-me tão bem das primeiras vezes que o usei… É uma peça diferente mas que bem conjugada resulta lindamente. O que vos parece?
Metalic jacket
Is not this the first time that I talk about metal clothes here on the blog, or have you forgotten about the Trend alert #8? Let's recap, this trend reappeared in the fall in a discreet half way but looks like it will keep in the next hot seasons, and this time in jackets! Leave the stereotypes aside and be open minds. There is no problem in letting embody us a sailor moon, because well seen the things these coats are full of style. I already had one that I bought many years ago at a fair. It had a golden hue and I remember so well the first few times I used it... It's a different piece but if it's well-matched that works beautifully. What do you think?
Is not this the first time that I talk about metal clothes here on the blog, or have you forgotten about the Trend alert #8? Let's recap, this trend reappeared in the fall in a discreet half way but looks like it will keep in the next hot seasons, and this time in jackets! Leave the stereotypes aside and be open minds. There is no problem in letting embody us a sailor moon, because well seen the things these coats are full of style. I already had one that I bought many years ago at a fair. It had a golden hue and I remember so well the first few times I used it... It's a different piece but if it's well-matched that works beautifully. What do you think?
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